
After gaining experience in dramaturgy at the Frankfurt Opera, the Filmwerkstatt Frankfurt, the Filmladen Berlin and with Alexander Kluge, I shot my debut film Trouble and Soul.
He was awarded and invited to international festivals. For me it was too much: it was only a short film of thirteen minutes – in my perception there was a huge mistake here and as a result I gave up filmmaking.
The U-Matic cassette of the video scan was stored untouched in a box for 33 years until I had it digitized in 2020. The first time I watched it, tears came to my eyes and I remembered the artistic time in my life.
At first I struggled with myself, then I realized that nothing was lost, and over the next three months I wrote the script for Pale Blue Dot.
I am confident that I will be able to realize the film in the next two years.

Pale Blue Dot
(current project)

Feature film – realization planned 2023 – approx. 120 minutes
Pale Blue Dot is the name of a photograph of Earth taken at the suggestion of US astronomer Carl Sagan by the Voyager 1 spacecraft from a distance of about 6 billion kilometers, or 40.5 AU. To this day, it is the photo of the Earth taken from the greatest distance.
Scientists chose the photo as one of the ten best photos in space science in 2001.
In a text accompanying the photo, Carl Sagan writes:
“[…] In view of our lostness in this immense expanse, there is no indication that from somewhere different help comes to save us from ourselves. […] The earth is the place where we must assert ourselves, whether we like it or not. […] There has perhaps never been a more apt demonstration of the foolishness of human. The world is given to the imagination, as this distant image of our tiny world. […]”

Pale Blue Dot is an existentialist fairy tale about the magic of love and art beyond all conventions, conditioning and death.
It shows what is possible beyond fear and lack. The script is inspired by the philosophy, work and texts of Jean-Paul Sartre.

Three recently deceased people (two women and one man) are allowed to return from the realm of the dead, as they are believed to have an important function in the cohesion of the world (36 Righteous – Tzadik).
Back in the real world, their mutual search turns out to be difficult because it is shaped by the respective social, biographical and current life circumstances. With the beginning of a ménage-àtrois, feelings of fear and lack come to the fore and jeopardize the mission.
The situation turns when the man is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Before the man dies, however, one of the women becomes pregnant by him. His death is not in the context of having betrayed the conditions of love and abundance, but for a normal process in life and the continuation of that life beyond his death, through the procreation of a child.
The film combines existentialist philosophy, spirituality and the Talmud with the longing for love and individual expression.

Synopsis and script excerpts (machine translation)

Metamorphosis a Berlin Trilogy

Pale Blue Dot
Steppenwolf goes Berghain
High, Higher, Highest

Metamorphosis is a trilogy of feature films in the style of an anthology series.

All films are set in Berlin milieus and are driven by the movement of the respective protagonists from inner doubts to authenticity. They reflect the feelings of a generation in midlife in search of meaning and inner fullness outside traditional clichés and linear life plans.

The respective films are inspired by literary models transposed into the present day:

Pale Blue Dot (approx. 120 minutes)

The game is up (Jean Paul Sartre)
With closed doors (Jean Paul Sartre)
Nadja (André Breton)

Steppenwolf goes Berghain (approx. 110 minutes)

The Steppenwolf (Hermann Hesse)
Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)

High, Higher, Highest (approx. 120 minutes)

Alexis Zorba (Nikos Kazantzakis)
Bhagavadgita (part of the Mahabharata)

Concept and content Metamorphosis (machine translation)

Trouble and Soul

Short film – 1988 – 35mm – color – 13:30 minutes

If the message subtitles switched on is not displayed, please select subtitles in the player after the film started.

More info:

Impressions from the shooting location:

(Feature film – 1981 to 1987)

The earth is as uninhabitable as the moon (based on a novel by Gerhard Zwerenz)

Point of no return

Cold nights

Time stands still

Thieme’s last case